Filing Chapter 13

The main advantage to not having specific writing goals is the immense weight lifted off my shoulders compared to goals that didn’t match up with my availability for writing. So far, this is working out good for me. I’m still getting some writing done and I still have the positive outlook that I can get… Continue reading Filing Chapter 13

I Finally Wrote

I figured that this was such a special occasion right now, that it needed to be blogged. After way too much time not touching Spirit Hackers, I finally sat down today and got some more words down. I didn’t do spectacular, but it’s a start. More importantly, it’s a step in getting back into a… Continue reading I Finally Wrote

Baby Steps

In some ways I’m surprised it’s been almost a week since I last updated and in other ways I am not. I honestly think I left my writing drive in Bermuda or something. I’ve been just giving the muse time and I’ve been having patience with it come back into the groove, but I think… Continue reading Baby Steps


This is a short & free-flowing entry. Please forgive the lack of coherence. I was getting some writing done the other day and hit a roadblock, which can be annoying when dealing with the ‘universe’ of a book. I was working on chapter 7 when I stopped mid-sentence. I realized that something that is very… Continue reading Roadblock?


Spirit Hackers Progress 9204 / 80000 words. 12% done! I’ve been meaning to post an update to the progress of Spirit Hackers for a few days now and I finally have the chance to do it, aside from all the other blog posts I’ve been putting up on here. The last update I put up… Continue reading Status

A Productive Day

This is going to be a short post as it’s a check-in with my progress on Spirit Hackers. Today is my second day off (I work Tues – Sat) and so I try to make my Monday’s productive in writing. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen often as the pull of the TiVo is strong. Well today,… Continue reading A Productive Day

I’m reading Freezing Point, are you?

Happy Thursday everybody! I hope everybody is doing well, and enjoyed yesterday’s post about the freezing point launch party. If you haven’t gotten a chance to head over to Karen’s website I highly recommend you check it out. A quick update from me, I am currently enjoying the book and as of last night I… Continue reading I’m reading Freezing Point, are you?

Back in action

Happy Monday everybody! First, I would like to give thanks to everybody who commented on my post about not feeling so well. While I wasn’t stuck in bed all week, I definitely had to drive to only go to work and sit on my couch and eat soup. But now I am back in action… Continue reading Back in action