Let the writing begin!

Hello and good Monday to all you copious notes readers out there! Last week, I left off with you guys letting you know that my research poor should for Spirit hackers is pretty much complete. Well, I am excited to say that not only do I start the book, but I actually restarted it today.… Continue reading Let the writing begin!

Wrapping up the research

Hey everyone! Again, just another heads-up that this is a dictated post and I do apologize in advance for any odd grammatical errors. Just to let you know that I do plan on posting another edition of lyrically speaking later on today. For now though, I wanted to talk about my current research/outlining process. As… Continue reading Wrapping up the research


Is it bad that I already have the name of the Spirit Hackers sequel book figured out? I mean, I haven’t even written the first one yet! 🙂

Making the Bad Guy

Today brought another round of development work on Spirit Hackers. Now that I have pictures of what I think my characters look like, I wanted to focus more on my main bad guy. My antagonist is someone who needs a good backstory. I will admit that I have never put so much development work into… Continue reading Making the Bad Guy

Getting the Picture

Well I’m here to check in with everyone as to the progress of Spirit Hackers. My preliminary writing has gone pretty well so far and I think I’ll actually be able to begin writing within the next week or two. I’m not setting an actual goal time because I want to be ready when the… Continue reading Getting the Picture