Let the writing begin!

Hello and good Monday to all you copious notes readers out there! Last week, I left off with you guys letting you know that my research poor should for Spirit hackers is pretty much complete. Well, I am excited to say that not only do I start the book, but I actually restarted it today. Let me explain:

On Friday after I had blogs to all of you guys, I had decided to begin the book. I typed the first two “chapters” which equals approximately 600+ words. Now I used my new dictation software to write those pages but it was a lot of herky-jerky writing and it did not flow whatsoever. I look back on it only about two hours later to see that I didn’t like what I written. I think this is part of the adjustment process to using dictation software for writing my book. One thing I noticed, was that I had zero description. I think that stems from the fact that I had an entire picture in my head and did not do a good job of describing it. I will say that dictating a book compared to writing it on a keyboard or on a piece of paper is definitely different. I speak differently than I write, I have to take that into consideration when I am “writing” my book.

So… today I decided to scrap the 600 words and start again. I figure I’ve already restarted the book once why not do it again! 🙂 I rewrote the same pages and made sure to add more description and have it flow little better. I also try to make it so that it was more exciting and read more like a book. I think I did much better the second go around because my word count is almost double.

I know it is a challenge right now, but I believe that once I adjust to writing in this method I will be able to use the dictation software to write very quickly and have the book come together very well. At least I hope that’s how it comes out. I am going to have to read and reread to make sure that what I have on the “page” is what I intended. I will also admit that dictating blog entries such as the one I am doing right now is different than writing a story via dictation. I also did not foresee that.

So for now, I have approximately 4 pages and 1376 words. I can only go up from here… I hope. 🙂


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