Donations are now closed. Happy November! The year is quickly coming to a close and we’re entering the very busy Thanksgiving / ‘holiday’ season. If you’ve been reading Copious Notes for the past few years, you will know that I am a big fan of Thanksgiving. In fact, the turkey day is my favorite holiday… Continue reading Using My Powers For Good
Category: Ideas
Lyrically Speaking for May 19
Normally when I think of music I love it’s by The Smashing Pumpkins but another band has emerged in the past few years that sounds similar but not ripped off: Silversun Pickups. This band out of California has a lead singer with similar vocals to Billy Corgan and the band’s “sound” could easily be mistaken… Continue reading Lyrically Speaking for May 19
Lyrically Speaking for May 12
Last time the chosen lyrics were a bit out of left field for most people. The Calling is likely considered a ‘one hit wonder’ band and people don’t give them much of a second thought. This week we focus on a song that’s performed by a band with a extremely loyal following: Dave Matthews Band.… Continue reading Lyrically Speaking for May 12
Sharing My Knowledge
UPDATE: Looks like I posted just a few hours too hours too early because the speaker schedule has been posted! I’ll be speaking from 1:55 – 2:05 PM so be on the lookout for me after you’re done with lunch! ——————— I’m taking a break from ‘The Weekender’ this week in order to bring an… Continue reading Sharing My Knowledge
Lyrically Speaking for April 28
Welcome back to the return of Lyrically Speaking! Since it’s been a while, I’ll quickly re-introduce this part of Copious Notes. Music is really poetry set to sound. It can inspire and really move us emotionally. The purpose of these posts is to help generate the spark of an idea that may hit you. So… Continue reading Lyrically Speaking for April 28
The Picture in My Head
I’ve found it interesting that throughout the past few years I’ve been seriously writing, I’ve heard many ways in which people get the words onto the page. I never gave this much thought until a few years ago. Back around ’06 I went with my wife to see Jodi Picoult speak about a new book… Continue reading The Picture in My Head
Capacious Kindle for December 8
I came across this great article on CNN last Wednesday about the Kindle and thought it was perfect for the Capacious Kindle series. You can find the whole article here. A year later, Amazon’s Kindle finds a niche By Zach Pontz CNN It has the curves of a Lamborghini, looks like something an astronaut might… Continue reading Capacious Kindle for December 8
Lyrically Speaking for December 4
As most of you already know, I am a big fan of Dido. Her first two albums are filled with great words and melodies that speak to me. I’m sure there are songs of hers that you specifically enjoy. Well two weeks ago she released her third album Safe Trip Home, bringing us a new… Continue reading Lyrically Speaking for December 4
You Gotta Start Somewhere
Back in this post in April I talked about the idea of freelancing. Honestly, I forgot all about it and have been just working on Spirit Hackers these past few months. Last night I was searching around the Absolute Write forums and found an entire freelancing section. An interesting thread popped up that talked about… Continue reading You Gotta Start Somewhere
Lyrically Speaking for November 26
I hope everyone is gearing up for a fantastic Thanksgiving. I wanted to bring Lyrically Speaking back for a special Wednesday, pre-Thanksgiving edition for everyone. A turkey day tradition for me has been listening to the song Alice’s Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie. This is a folk song that is just Guthrie telling a story about… Continue reading Lyrically Speaking for November 26