The 2009 Rundown


It seems that everyone’s blog are talking about their to do lists for 2009 and honestly it’s something I’ve wanted to do as well. 2008 was an interesting year for me, but one where I jump-started many things writing-related. I have an entire retrospective I plan to post in two days and I’ll go into where I’ve been over in that post. Look for that on the 4th.

For 2009, there are a lot of things I want to do using the things I learned in this past year. Here’s the rundown of my writing goals for 2009:

1. I want to finish Spirit Hackers. This seems like an obvious goal but when I say finish it, I mean completely written and either fully edited or be far into the editing process.

2. Try my hand at Flash Fiction. I only learned about this style of writing a couple of months ago and think it’s something that would easily fit into my schedule.

3. Keep on blogging. I want Copious Notes to remain consistent and updated. I’m grateful for the work and effort I’ve put into this place so far but I want to keep going. Blogging, I feel, is important to me.

4. Decide what to do with my Robert Book. This book has a completed beta feedback waiting for me to read and still doesn’t have a title. I need to either turn it into something or decide it was just a ‘trial run’ for writing a book and put it away for good.

5. Explore other writing options once my commitment to Suite101 is complete. I like the freelancing so far and I want to see how far I can take it.

This is nowhere near a complete list, but these are the main things I want to try to accomplish in the next 363 days. As long as I’m writing in some capacity, I will consider it a good thing.

What about all of you? What are your goals for this new year?


  1. For flash fiction, it’s possible the March Flash-a-Day will happen again at Absolute Write. That’s how I got into writing flash.

    Good luck with your goals!

  2. I was one of those bloggers who hashed out their goals – it was actually a really great reminder of how much I’ve accomplished.

    This year I hope to finish Shatterbox (same deal as you; finish meaning written/edited)
    I also hope to get my novella “27 Dead” published, finish my other novella, and publish some short fiction.

    Big goals. We’ll see how they do.

    Happy new year, Aaron!

  3. Your insights are always so inspiring, everytime I read your blog, no matter if its assimilated (I seem to like this word at this moment) to others interests. I feel very connected to you, as I feel your clarity especially through expression. I have been picking up individuals New Years resolutions latetly. I don’t believe in these myself. All I know is that I feel a more creative and intuitive spark emerging, and I feel very present in giving my complete self to this transition. I have a drawing project in the winds, and I feel open to new writing too. Alls fair to say, I’m learning more about what I enjoy, and keep gearing into that drive much more in tune every step. I feel the clearer the route, the greater the journey.

    Enjoy whatever you do, no matter the outcome.

    Happy New Year to you too.

    By the way I tagged you on my new blog entry, in a different kind of Meme I created.

  4. ” Decide what to do with my Robert Book”

    I’d like to know other’s opinion on that as well.

    1) On one hand, the Robert Book may indeed be a trunk novel, but if you don’t incorporate the suggestions from the betas, is the book the best you can make it? Does it make sense to revisit the book, fix all your mistakes, so that you know what to avoid next time around?

    2) On the flipside, if the novel won’t go anywhere regardless of whether you polish it to the best of your ability, is that a waste of time?

    I realize there’s value in polishing it, regardless…perhaps I’m wondering what’s the better option (generally, speaking of course. Everyone and situatiion is different)

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