Commence Book Two!

Oh, what’s that you see there? An outline for As Darkness Ends: Book Two? Why yes it is! With November in full swing, I have stuck to my plan to slow my final round of editing on Spirit Hackers and begin work on book two of As Darkness Ends. But before I get to that, a quick word about Spirit Hackers.

This book has taken a long time. A very long time. It blows my mind to look at the creation dates of my documents within Scrivener and see that the book took form in 2008, a whopping three years ago. It’s been a long journey and one with many interruptions and stints where I didn’t write. I continue to see the light at the end of that tunnel and I’m oh so close to getting it done. It’s quickly approaching the magical 80k word count and I’m more than half-way done with the final round of edits. In short, significant progress has been made.

My original plan with As Darkness Ends was after its release, to resume Spirit Hackers edits during September and through October. Little did I know that all the self-promotion and work would take up all my time and also require a little break. October was all edits but I am short a month. I am determined to keep on schedule though because the first book has momentum and I do NOT want that to stop.

For all of November I will be writing book 2 and working to have the first draft finished before December hits. Regardless of when that happens, I will not go back to Spirit Hackers until the first draft is complete. I want to give myself a couple of weeks away from book 2 so I can begin editing with fresh eyes. If all goes according to plan (which it never does!) I expect book 2 to hit the virtual shelves in February. Of course Thanksgiving and Christmas / Channukah have to factor into all of this so I’m not setting any concrete deadlines. Finally, with all this said and done, this is the first official post for book two and as such, it gains a place on my right-hand sidebar of current works!

So that’s the rest of 2011 for me. What are you working on to finish up the year? Sound off in the comments!

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