Wow, talk about a whirlwind of activity! Since announcing As Darkness Ends last week, I have been really busy. First, I want to thank everyone for stopping by, commenting here and also for passing on their excitement via Facebook and Twitter. I know this project came out of nowhere but as of three months ago I had no idea I was even going to embark on this self-publishing adventure.
This past week had me finishing up the last of my edits (a moment in which I did a happy dance) and then began the tedious work of adding content, preparing the layout and exporting to different formats. I wax poetic about Scrivener all the time but in my experience, its weakness lies in its ‘compile’ feature. This is supposed to be a one-stop-shop in exporting a manuscript into any format you need and just the way you want it. It’s an area that needs work because if I remember correctly, I compiled the manuscript at least 20 times before getting it right. More on that another day.
I’ve set some important wheels into motion including: getting a Facebook fan page set up, making updates to the ADE’s section of this site and prepping the files at Amazon, B&N, Smashwords and CreateSpace.
Finally, I announced on Friday that I am giving away a limited number of ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) of the book to a select few. If you’d like to read the book before it comes out AND have my never-ending gratitude, there’s still time to click here and sign up!
There’s plenty more to talk about in the upcoming weeks leading up to September 7th so stay tuned!